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By making our findings available to those working in this field, we can advance scholarly knowledge and its application and contribute to policy development. Academic publications are also peer-reviewed, which means that the research is evaluated by independent experts in the field, to ensure that what we publish is up to a high standard.

Dr Ágnes Szabó and her colleagues have published an article in the journal Ageing & Society on the social networks of older immigrants, the role of culture in the networks people develop and the social support these networks may provide. 

Szabó (2022). Addressing the causes of the causes: Why we need to integrate social determinants into acculturation theory

Dr Ágnes Szabó has published an article in the International Journal of Intercultural Relations on the importance of social factors shaping migrant experiences of acculturation. 

Sieng, Szabó (2023). Exploring the place attachments of older migrants in Aotearoa: A life course history approach

Vanessa Sieng and Dr Ágnes Szabó have published an article in the journal Advances in Life Course Research on older migrants' attachment to places and how it changes throughout their life course.

Szabó (2023). Growing old in adopted lands: The nexus of ageing and acculturation research

Dr Ágnes Szabó has published an article in the journal Online Readings in Psychology and Culture on how ageing and acculturation research can be integrated to examine the complex experiences of older migrants.

Szabó, Sieng, Du, Allen, Yeung (2024). Measuring quality of life in older migrants: assessing the construct and convergent validity of the CASP-12 among older Chinese migrants

Dr Ágnes Szabó and colleagues have published an article in the Journal of Global Ageing on the validity and reliability of the of the CASP-12, an older adult-specific QOL scale, with a sample of older Chinese migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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